Week 18 – Hard questions

Let’s face it! We are all sometimes guilty of substitution where we swap out hard questions for easy ones because they are just too difficult to answer.

Lately I’ve been experiencing this feeling quite often and week 18’s question just twisted the knife. My concern is, “Am I brave enough to identify the hard questions?” To face them, to accept them and not to replace them with easier ones?

It is not about beeing dishonest with myself but rather picking up my questions in such a way the answer would contain the excuse for not acting like the person I intend to become. And who needs excuses? Definitely not me! They are the only thing standing between me and my goals.  So Cristina, choose wisely your questions from now!

And what keep me right now from beeing the person I intend to become? Not having enough courage to act? Not being so much disciplinate? Not taking the sweaty decisions? Not persisting once I took a decision?…

…While I wrote this last paragraph, a voice whispered in my head: “It is Fear darling”

Fear?!?  Fear of what? What am I affraid of?  What’s the wish behind that fear? If only I would have the courage to put on the table my deepest fears…

…then I would expose my deepest wishes.

“What am I affraid of?” seems a hard question for me. And a harder one would be: “What am I able to change so I can make my way throught fear?”





12 thoughts on “Week 18 – Hard questions

  1. You are so right on the point! Nobody needs the easy questions–the “hardest” questions are the most honest.
    “What are I missing from my life?” “What do I desire the most?” “And why?” Digging deep until it hurts sometimes is the only way to discover what has been stopping you. That’s what happened for me. Thank you so much for sharing. You are inspiring! charles

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am more and more impressed with you, dear Cristina! WHAT an inspiring and wise woman you are! And SO incredible courageous, exemplary open-minded, and your sincerity, vulnerability and honesty are so beautiful and refreshing to witness! By all means, keep going!!!

    Liked by 2 people

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